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Help us fight the gun violence epidemic in the U.S.

the GodSquad

The 67th Precinct Clergy Council, Inc. is a charitable organization in New York City. Formally established in 2010 with the full cooperation of the 67th Precinct, the GodSquad has been a valued partner in the fight against gun violence. Guided by the belief that the welfare and safety of our diverse community is our shared responsibility, we adopted a holistic approach to help to lower youth involvement in senseless gun violence and build safer and more peaceful communities. Given our transformative model of both preventative and crisis response, we offer crime and gun violence prevention programs and training, provide support to members of the community and offer solutions to problems arising in the 67th Precinct and across the city.

Our Vision

A GodSquad that responds, rebuilds, and restores hope for safe communities beginning with dignity for all.

Our Mission

To heal and empower communities impacted by gun violence using a holistic, faith-based model. 

Our values are focused on S.A.F.E

SUPPORT families impacted by gun violence

ADVOCATE for support and resources to rebuild communities

FORGE community partnerships

EMPOWER individuals through personal development

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